Crate opendal

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Apache OpenDAL™ is a data access layer that allows users to easily and efficiently retrieve data from various storage services in a unified way.

Quick Start

OpenDAL’s API entry points are Operator and BlockingOperator. All public APIs are accessible through the operator. To utilize OpenDAL, you need to:

Init a service

The first step is to pick a service and init it with a builder. All supported services could be found at services.

Let’s take services::S3 as an example:

use opendal::services;
use opendal::Operator;
use opendal::Result;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Pick a builder and configure it.
    let mut builder = services::S3::default();

    // Init an operator
    let op = Operator::new(builder)?.finish();

Compose layers

The next setup is to compose layers. Layers are modules that provide extra features for every operation. All builtin layers could be found at layers.

Let’s use layers::LoggingLayer as an example; this layer adds logging to every operation that OpenDAL performs.

use opendal::layers::LoggingLayer;
use opendal::services;
use opendal::Operator;
use opendal::Result;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Pick a builder and configure it.
    let mut builder = services::S3::default();

    // Init an operator
    let op = Operator::new(builder)?
        // Init with logging layer enabled.


Use operator

The final step is to use the operator. OpenDAL supports both async Operator and blocking BlockingOperator. Please pick the one that fits your use case.

Every Operator API follows the same pattern, take read as an example:

  • read: Execute a read operation.
  • read_with: Execute a read operation with additional options, like range and if_match.
  • reader: Create a reader for streaming data, enabling flexible access.
  • reader_with: Create a reader with advanced options.
use opendal::layers::LoggingLayer;
use opendal::services;
use opendal::Operator;
use opendal::Result;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Pick a builder and configure it.
    let mut builder = services::S3::default();

    // Init an operator
    let op = Operator::new(builder)?
        // Init with logging layer enabled.

    // Fetch this file's metadata
    let meta = op.stat("hello.txt").await?;
    let length = meta.content_length();

    // Read data from `hello.txt` with range `0..1024`.
    let bs = op.read_with("hello.txt").range(0..1024).await?;




  • BlockingLister is designed to list entries at given path in a blocking manner.
  • BlockingOperator is the entry for all public blocking APIs.
  • BlockingReader is designed to read data from given path in an blocking manner.
  • BlockingWriter is designed to write data into given path in an blocking manner.
  • Capability is used to describe what operations are supported by current Operator.
  • Entry returned by Lister or BlockingLister to represent a path and it’s relative metadata.
  • Error is the error struct returned by all opendal functions.
  • Lister is designed to list entries at given path in an asynchronous manner.
  • Metadata carries all metadata associated with a path.
  • Operator is the entry for all public async APIs.
  • OperatorBuilder is a typed builder to build an Operator.
  • Metadata for operator, users can use this metadata to get information of operator.
  • Reader is designed to read data from given path in an asynchronous manner.
  • Writer is designed to write data into given path in an asynchronous manner.


  • EntryMode represents the mode.
  • ErrorKind is all kinds of Error of opendal.
  • Metakey describes the metadata keys that can be stored or queried.
  • Services that OpenDAL supports


  • Builder is used to set up a real underlying service, i.e. storage accessor.

Type Aliases

  • Result that is a wrapper of Result<T, opendal::Error>